

Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang recently came out in defense of Arsenal's performance against Manchester City. He voiced his disagreement with the term "dark arts" that has been used to describe Arsenal's tactics in the second half of the game. Aubameyang believes that the term carries negative connotations and prefers to call it "game management." He commended Arsenal for their performance and highlighted the many commendable aspects of their game against City. Aubameyang argued that Arsenal should not be criticized for the way they secured a draw at the Etihad Stadium, especially considering they were playing with ten men for most of the second half. He likened the situation to a boxer letting their opponent land punches while desperately trying not to be knocked out. Aubameyang refuted claims that Arsenal's approach was ugly or unfair, pointing out that they were in the lead and simply needed to hold on to their advantage. He also challenged the notion that if Manchester City found themselves in a similar situation at the Emirates Stadium, they would ridicule a team employing the same tactics. Aubameyang emphasized that Arsenal's objective was to defend their lead and they employed a 5-4-0 formation to do so. He defended Mikel Arteta's team, stating that they had no other choice but to give their all to secure a result against Manchester City.



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